News January 11, 2019

Board announces 2018 Fourth Quarter Grants

In December of 2018 the board of trustees of Saint Luke’s Foundation approved grants to twenty-five organizations totaling $4,425,661.88. These investments advance the Foundation’s strategic mission to achieve health equity by addressing social determinants of health including educational attainment, financial stability, healthy eating and active living, safe and affordable housing, social connections and the strengthening of the neighborhoods surrounding the former Saint Luke’s hospital.


As part of the unveiling of our plan, the Foundation announced the established priorities for the first 18 months. These include:


  • The abatement of environmental triggers including lead and mold
  • Effective lead legislation
  • Increased education and awareness of the effects of trauma and toxic stress
  • School and community infrastructure around the availability of fresh, local and healthy food
  • Policy efforts related to Medicaid
  • Education and engagement of voters
  • Demolition and rehabilitation,
  • Thriving commercial corridors in Buckeye
  • Improved public safety within the neighborhoods that surround the former Saint Luke’s hospital


While these priority areas help us address critical and time sensitive opportunities at the heart of the issues we care most about, we remain eager to participate in all efforts related to our health equity strategy.

Grants were awarded to the following:

Educational attainment

  • City Year (1 year, $85,000) for ‘Whole School Whole Child’ at Harvey Rice Wraparound and John Adams College and Career Academy
  • Esperanza, Incorporated (1 year, $150,000) for family engagement in education

Household income

  • Passages Connecting Fathers and Sons, Inc. (1 year, $90,000) for Jobs for Dads and Moms
  • Towards Employment (1 year, $60,000) for general operating support (Priority area: trauma and toxic Stress)

Housing safety and stability

  • Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. (2 years, $92,000) for the Lead Poisoning Prevention Initiative (Priority area: abate environmental triggers, effective lead legislation)
  • Family Promise (1 year, $50,000) for general operating support
  • Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity (2 years, $200,000) for Greater Buckeye Phase II (Priority area: demolition and rehabilitation, SLF neighborhoods)
  • Legal Aid Society of Cleveland (5 years, $1,000,000) for The Campaign for Legal Aid
  • West Side Catholic Center (1 year, $90,000) for Zacchaeus Housing Solutions

Strengthening social connections

  • Cuyahoga Metro Housing Authority (1 year, $136,661.88) for Police Assisted Referral Program
  • ideastream (2 years, $100,000) for ‘Homes’ Project, lifting resident voice in partnership with Justin Glanville
  • Neighborhood Connections (Suite 1300 Services) (2 years, $300,000) for Neighbor Up in Greater Buckeye and Mount Pleasant
  • Open Doors Academy (1 year, $75,000) for the Family Advocacy Program
  • Providence House (5 years, $600,000) for “Giving Hope for the PHuture:” Tthe Providence House East Side Expansion on Buckeye Road (Priority area: thriving commercial corridors, SLF neighborhoods)
  • University Settlement (1 year, $126,000) for the strengthening families program
  • West Side Community House (1 year, $76,000) for Wrap for Success

Healthy eating and active living

  • Cleveland Botanical Garden (1 year, $50,000) for Green Corps: Impacting Youth (Priority area: school and community infrastructure for fresh, local and healthy food)
  • Food Trust (1 year, $100,000) for The Food Access Raises Everyone (FARE) Project (Priority area: school and community infrastructure for fresh, local and healthy food)

Improve the environment around Saint Luke’s to be a neighborhood of choice

  • Western Reserve Land Conservancy (1 year, $350,000) for the Thriving Communities Institute Saint Luke’s Neighborhood Revitalization Project Phase IV (Priority area: demolition and rehabilitation, SLF neighborhoods)

Third round grants awarded to support advocacy and public policy efforts that help improve health equity for all.

  • Center for Community Solutions (2 years, $350,000) for general operating support
  • City Club of Cleveland (1 year, $25,000) for Strategically Aligned Programming Support


Other Grants


  • Business Volunteers Unlimited (1 year, $55,000) for capacity building services for nonprofits
  • Care Alliance (1 year, $100,000) for general operating support
  • Neighborhood Family Practice (1 year, $125,000) for general operating support
  • Philanthropy Ohio (2 years, $40,000) for general operating support


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We and our strategy partners work together to close the health equity gaps. Stay informed about our latest initiatives, grantmaking news, and upcoming events, as well as the recent efforts of our strategy partners.